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London - My first impressions of the British capital

London is an enormous city of contrast. Years of history and tradition are mixed with modern architecture and multiculturalism.


The whole trip was without any doubt a bit wild. It was a day after high school finals when I received a message from my good friend. We started chatting and soon concluded that I strongly needed a break from studying. There was this visible urge to somehow distance myself from everything, life included. What’s a better opportunity to rethink one’s purpose than by traveling and experiencing another culture?

Time is running up

The decision was made and London was chosen as a city I’ve previously never been to. We both knew that we had to be quick with our bookings. My friend found a flight and I found a hotel room with two single beds on the outskirts. Three days later we were at the airport, ready to begin.

Dent clock displaying time to the St Pancras International passengers.


We were eager to start our journey as soon as we landed in Luton. There was only one small thing on our way - a passport check, which was over quickly, thanks to our common visit origin. A lady at the counter welcomed us in and smiled, knowing I would soon lose all of Mom’s allowance by buying a coffee at the airport lounge. I must say that UK food is costly, but more on that in a food-related article.

Out of the Luton airport, on our way to the station. Hilly landscape and green fields. We didn’t pay £5 for Luton DART, but instead decided to walk 20 minutes to the station. The weather was perfect, and the sun was shining. We were in a good mood, and the journey was just beginning.

Train to London

We left the airport and went by foot to the train station, from which we had a short 20-minute ride to St Pancras International. No sooner did we get off the train, than we started seeing the skyline, constructions, and unique brick architecture, with everything screaming at our eyes - you are in London, a city unlike any other.

Liverpool street upwards view of a architectural style mashup.

First impressions

Straight out of the station, we ran to the tube, taking a ride to Liverpool Street. We exit the station and see a change in architecture. The city center we see now is a unique combination of centuries-old, classical brick and limestone buildings with brutal modern skyscrapers purely out of steel, glass, and concrete. As we continue on our way to the Thames we get increasingly more amazed by how vibrant the city center is and how much it has to offer.

Shard from the other side of Thames
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy