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Bratislava - The romantic city of Eastern Europe

Enjoy the romantic atmosphere of the Slovakian capital. The city is located on the border with Austria and Czechia, which makes it a perfect place for a day trip, and also an inexpensive overnight stay on the way to Vienna.

Slovakian Capital

Bratislava is an interesting city mainly due to its location, it borders both Austria and Czechia. Many new infrastructure projects are under development. The money flow caused by the EU market unification, and switching to Euro is visible in the new business district. The closeness to Vienna also enables a comfortable and cheap overnight stay opportunities while traveling - tourists sleep in Slovakia and in the morning take a 30-minute train to Vienna.

Photo showing green border between Austria and Slovakia

Above is a photo showing the view from comfortable and cheap overnight stay opportunitiesBratislava Castle with the camera pointing at the Austrian border. During the Soviet era, the forest was a demilitarized zone and the Danube - the river was the border between the two countries. After the collapse of the USSR, the Slovakian government decided to keep the area green and allow the public to have a bit of nature near the center. The wind turbines in the background, already in Austria, belong to the outskirts of Vienna.

Bratislava Castle

However fancy or extravagant it may sound in the XXI century, the Slovakian government decided to build the castle to house their country offices - on the other side of the parliament. The castle is open to the public until 10 PM, which makes it perfect for romantic walks, and during my stay, I indeed saw a lot of couples around.

City view from the top of the castle

City architecture

Because of the vicinity of Vienna and Krakow, the architecture of the old town is visibly referring to their typical arches and hallways. Some elevations take their inspiration from the Viennese order. However, the whole city maintains its rather cozy and calm atmosphere, which unfortunately is changing in favor of many high-rise buildings being built as a part of the foreign investments.

Interesting aphotecary elevation in the center

Slovakian cuisine

Irresistibly I must compare Slovak dishes to the Polish ones. They love to put cheese in almost any national dish. I was tempted Try some of them such as Brynzove Halusky so Slanikou, a photo of which you can see right down below.

Brynzove halusky so slanikou - Cheese dish

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